Presentation: Prepare, Perform, Publish (P3) Model Introduction


“The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors. They have their exits and their entrances, and in his lifetime a man will play many parts”

William Shakespeare 

Perhaps we do not see our entire life as being on stage.  However, every oral presentation requires performance. Then the stage on which we present exists as part of a production. Though every production may be different and present its own challenges, certain phases of the production model (Prepare, perform, publish)  commonly exist. This article defines and examines these three phases of the production model: Pre-production, Production, and Post Production.  This aids students to understand activities typically encountered as well as needed steps towards effective end results in order to attain a goal for the desired target in a given situation.  

The production model: Prepare, perform, publish (P3 model)

The complexity of the situation and the desired end product dictate the complexity of the phases of production.  Recording a 10-second video on your cell phone requires vastly different levels of production that a full feature-length Hollywood movie. Nonetheless, common elements, roles, and tasks exist prior to any performance in the production, preparation requires forethought, planning, and organizations.  Then, the production itself has logistics and immediate concerns about creating the performance.  Afterward, depending on the form of publishing and distribution, the performance may end leaving only breakdown and clean-up.  However, editing, evaluation, and many other steps could be required prior to the final publishing and distribution of the finished product like a movie.


Within the production model, the first step requires planning and critical analysis.  To assist with this, the presenter should shift his or her conception from performer to producer of the experience.  Eventually, at some point, performance will happen. Planning must come first.  Adopting the role of producers requires assuming the responsibility for preparation.  This means determining needs to gather resources, both physical and human capital.  Then the work shifts to the design of needed elements and staging.  This ends as the production develops the pieces needed for the performance.  Often, for students, this is embodied in a slide deck or other graphic organizer to aid the clarity of the performance.


Next is the activities in the moment of the performance and immediately before it.  This encapsulates the rehearsal and performance itself.  Also, the performance phases include the many small adjustments needed to bring the presentation into being.  Since the types of production vary so greatly, no one set of activities covers everything that might be done.  For example, make a presentation in a room with a laptop and projector presents a set of activates related to ensuring the technology works.  If that same presentation is being managed as a live stream, similar but indifferent technology issues present themselves.  Then again, if the performance is on a stage live,   there are a myriad of other challenges right before and during the performance.  All of these are to be considered during the production phase.  Spreading your thinking to consider these aspects ahead-of-time and practice for them will make the actual performance easier as less unexpected things might occur.

Post Production 

Finally, there are concerns about the work needed after the performance.  In some cases, there is very little to do other than walk away or clean up.  However, in more complex situations, like performances captured on video, many things still require attention.  During this phase,  the evaluation, editing, and revisions necessary to produce a finished product must happen.  Some final form of the product that is created can then be published.  For many students, even just taking a moment to mindfully reflect on the performance and judge the work serves as a great first step.  Adding feedback from trusted sources or an authoritative judge adds worth to the post-production work. 


The prepare, perform, publish (P3) model asks students to consider the phases needed to produce a more polished finished product.  Moving from preparation, through performance to publishing of their work becomes especially significant when the performance is recorded and digital media is used to publish and distribute the work.if all the world’s a stage, then thinking of yourself as involved in a production is essential to effective communication.


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Lipuma, J., & Leon, C. (2020, julio 21). Presentation: Prepare, perform, publish (P3) model introduction [Blog]. James Lipuma´s Blog.


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