This article examines categories related to the approach the presenter takes to the presentation prior to engaging in the phases of the production model. Key factors and emphasis must be considered related to the content, delivery, choice of goals, identification of target audience, and understanding of the situation.
Presentation: Overall Effectiveness
This article discusses my conception of overall effectiveness as a metric of success in many areas but focused on presentations. After a general introduction, it focuses upon understanding the way content and delivery are integrated to be successful to attain a goal for a specified target in a given situation.
Presentations: Elements of GOALS Components
Oral presentations utilizing digital technology, especially video, need to consider how best to integrate delivery with content. The key components to consider are the GOALS or Graphic/visuals, Oral, Alignment, Lucidity, and Synthesis. This article described a series of elements that comprise each of these major components.
Virtual Judge for the eCybermission US Army
The U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) and the eCYBERMISSION program would like to thank you for your work as a Virtual Judge during the 2019‐2020 competition. With your help, 7,834 scores and comments were delivered to students participating this…
Presentation: Components of Effective Integrated Productions
This article presents the scaffold for understanding the components of effectiveness tied to the major areas of integrated delivery of presentations including graphic/visual Elements, oral elements, Alignment, Lucidity, and synthesis. These components assist creators to more easily and effectively integrate the content and methods of delivery in order to attain a goal for a selected target in a given situation as part of the production process.
Presentation: Production Model Roles
Students can utilize the phases of the production model (Prepare, Perform, Publish) and the tools of video to create effective presentations in learning environments. To do this, students should understand the roles that exist and the responsibilities for each general category involved in a production. This article discusses the following roles: producer, performer, designer, editor, judge, critic, and subject-matter expert.
Graphic Organizers: Visual Elements
Graphics organizers comprised of visual elements that support and enhance many types of presentations. Often oral presentations are supported with graphic and visual elements to increase effectiveness. When combined, these lead to more advanced visuals like images and eventually organizers. This article reviews the various concepts and visual elements that lead to the design of a graphic for oral presentations that include: style, layout, composition, and relationships.
Presentation: Conception, Costs, and Consequences (3C’s)
Often students approach oral presentations without a scaffold or structure to assist them to get started much less excel. Some simple parameters will assist them to step back and reflect on the process more than just the performance. For each presentation, students can prepare by considering their conceptions, costs, and consequences.
Presentation: Production Planning for Effectiveness
This article examines the preparation for an oral presentation, six areas of concerns are discussed as preparation for the production of effective presentations that include: Scope, Content, Role, Intent, Purpose, and Target.
Presentation: Prepare, Perform, Publish (P3) Model Introduction
Introduction “The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors. They have their exits and their entrances, and in his lifetime a man will play many parts” William Shakespeare Perhaps we do not see our…